Jun 9, 2011

wtf + wth : No 9

feeling like a SHIT, when a thief VISITED our house on 2.30 am on this day.
the boy was SUCK! If i get him, i will GULAI an die sampai mampos.
menyusahkan aku dan housemate aku. pity to my dear uvithrawati still trauma coz seeing the boy.
this toninght we'all must be more be careful. no phone called at balcony yet. no stay up until 3.00 am. and no chatting at all. okay dokie?

To the thief : i will kick u if i get you. HAHAH. bajet kuat je kan aku ni. :')


Anonymous said...

So sweet tat thief..lucky nothing happen..:

nurul hafizah said...

yeahh, you rite. luckly. :)

Anonymous said...

im da thief muahaha...having fun scaring u gurlz LoL..=="

nurul hafizah said...

if u're the thief i'm not scared lahh. I know you honey :D